Trains, Monorails, Hyperloops

Earth Tubes - Hyperloop-style transport from 1921

Thirty-foot tubes were excavated thru the Earth's diameter, reaching from a large industrial center on one side to some extensive agricultural area upon the over. Africa, China, Australia and parts of South America were touched. As these tubes were sunk, they were lined with Browning's Electro-Heat Conventing Apparatus, which turned the intense heat of the bowels of the Earth into an immense voltage, giving an electric current, but left the interiors of the tubes relatively cool and insulated from the fiery medium thru which they past. Food and other commodities were then hauled over extensive railroad systems to the mouths of the tubes and the elevator-like carriers were dropt thru the center of the Earth. The momentum gained in 4000-mile drop carried the cars past the center of the Earth and up to within a few feet of the opposite surface. At this point they were caught by automatic catches and giant electric hoists hauled them to the surface.

Future transport system from 1950's

Future transport system from 1950's

Retrofuturist Trains, Monorails and Hyperloops